Writing Samples
My work as the managing editor of The Homepage, a community newspaper, focuses on serving the needs of my readers, particularly those who are vulnerable to environmental racism, displacement, food insecurity and general neglect by the institutions of society. My freelance work has largely revolved around breaking through the isolation and confusion people experience around disabilities, mental illness and developmental delays, especially as those intersect with social inequity. I want all of my readers to be informed, connected and confident so they can create fuller and more meaningful lives for themselves, their families and communities.
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Top stories:
- Rabbi: Conversations can help overcome antisemitism
- Hazelwood recycling facility cleans up, modernizes and controls pests
- No-cost teen metalworking program teaches much more than welding
- Hazelwood native balances violence prevention with mental wellness
- Nov. 30 Sylvan Avenue Trail Project public meeting
- Anti-abortion group poses as a pregnancy options resource
Featured Articles
- Public Source: Masks, pool noodles and park days: How one school kept kids engaged, safe and in school
- Public Source: Renters: Here is how to find legal help, mental health support and shelter in Allegheny County
- Public Source: Vulnerable residents face many barriers to COVID vaccination. These community groups are working to fill the gaps.
- Now What? series on Britannica for Parents
- Britannica for Parents: Parents talk about transracial adoption
- Britannica for Parents: Parents Who Protest
- Britannica for Parents: Gender, Bodies, Sex: Conversations while shopping for swimsuits
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